Practical Guide to Facebook Development
As an agency, we developed not only our own products, but especially over 500 apps in all possible sizes for our customers.
Since 2009, I have been programming for the Facebook API and have gone a long way with the platform: From FBML over Unity-SDK and Open Graph Actions to Test-User and Test-Apps - to name just a few.
After all the experiences I have gathered during this time, it was not only a privilege and an honor for me, but also about time, to summarize these in a book of my own and to pass them on. For this project, I was able to find Stephan and Kornelius, two of the few German comrades-in-arms with a similarly extensive wealth of experience.
So far, Facebook books have never been allowed to be really current for long, as the platform developed incredibly quickly. But now is the best time ever for a book, because: Facebook hosts the annual F8 developer conference and with API versioning, there is now a system with a stable reference point to which we authors can refer. Thanks to the documented changes to the API and the existing migration paths, the reader can understand these much better.
There is a sample chapter of the book at .
Practical Guide to Facebook Programming shows that you don’t have to take extraordinary hurdles to become part of the technical Facebook world. The requirements for Facebook application programmers are not much different from common, modern web techniques. The book explains the use of Facebook’s JavaScript and PHP development tools using practical examples.
Authors: Stephan Alber, Klaus Breyer, Kornelius Nägele
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